What is Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a holistic natural health modality, that looks at each area of the body as a whole. The mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of the body are all taken into account. Information is gathered via the gentle process of muscle testing to identify stress, trauma and physical imbalances held within the body. The main aim of a kinesiology balance is to find the root causes of stress, traumas and physical imbalances that have been stored within the body so they can be gently released. This allows the body room to rediscover its own innate ability to begin the process of self healing.
What to expect in a Kinesiology Session
When you come in for a Kinesiology balance we will have a chat to assess what issues you are wanting to work through. My clinic space has a very safe, relaxed and informal atmosphere where there are no expectations placed on you or the sessions unfolding. I affectionately refer to my Kinesiology balances a “magical mystery tour’ because we have the potential to explore various directions guided by your subconscious within the frame work of the Kinesiology. Over the years I have honed the ability to follow my intuition and your subconscious, allowing us to journey precisely where your body, mind and spirit need to go for the releases and flow of energy to occur for healing change.
The Kinesiology structures that I work within are - Subtle Energy (emotions and energetics), Neurological (brain structures), Physiological (the physical/internal body structures) and Structural (Bones, ligaments and tendons). Through these structures we employ multiple techniques that weave a narrative based on direct questioning, and gentle muscle testing and the answers from your body.
As we unravel this narrative, we gradually uncover, and address stresses and blockages stored within your body. The story unfolds, and you initiate the process of releasing, which can be a conscious or unconscious experience. Once we've collected all the information your innate awareness is ready to transmute, we can provide the body with a correction, initiating the self-healing process.
A session can last for 1 to 2 hours depending on your specific needs.
Bec is a qualified Kinesiologist with a Diploma in Kinesiology.
Sessions are available in person at Bec’s private home clinic in Nudgee. Remote sessions are also available.