The Journey to Rising Energy Therapies
To talk about me I need to talk about the Dog in the photo above and below because this is as much her story as mine. She is very much a part of this whole business. This beautiful crazy clown is my Mini. She was called Mini because she was the runt of the litter and was hand raised because she was so small.
Mini is the reason I am here doing this work. Mini was my heart dog. There was an instant connection the moment we looked at each other for the very first time. Mini passed over the Rainbow bridge 7 years ago and got me started on this journey of discovery. Mini always had health issues right from the very start, at six weeks old she fell through the stairs and had a greenstick fracture in her front leg. This was the beginning of a very long journey with me trying to get her healthy and out of pain over her 7 years of life. We tried lots of different modalities, mainstream vet work, chiropractic, massage etc. but I could never get her completely pain free. She was actually suffering from cancer between her shoulder blades. We had no idea that was where all her pain was stemming from and the various vets we took her too had no idea either, there was no diagnoses until after she passed.
To say this was traumatic would have to be the ultimate understatement. I completely shattered into a million pieces with the hole she left behind. But little did I know her work was far from done. Mini orchestrated numerous things to happen like random readings from animal communicators to setting up psychic readings for me where the lady asked me why are you here and I replied I have no idea! This lady had already tuned in and the first thing she said to me was well there is this dog that came through to tell you…….. I just sat there crying and laughing, the lady was completely blown away. Mini was letting me know that there was lots of work to be done. I started looking around for things to help myself heal after a very long illness. I had completely sworn off animals even though I still had another Rottweiler who was grieving terribly for Mini. I started a Reiki course looking for answers but it wasn’t enough so I turned to the next thing that kept popping up into my awareness which was Kinesiology. I thought I would try an online Animal Kinesiology course but again it wasn’t enough to satisfy the drive that I needed to do something different so I signed up for People Kinesiology. Throughout this time of studying I had completely sworn off working with animals. The animals had other ideas though.
It had always been my passion and desire to work somehow with animals but it just never came about the way I wanted to. I grew up like most people who love animals, from the very earliest photos of me as a baby with either a cat in the pram or me hanging off a dog. It was very rare to see me in a childhood photograph without an animal (it didn’t even matter if they weren’t mine I would find the nearest animal and love on it like crazy). I had the teenage crush on horses and was lucky enough to get my own when I was 13.
Fast forward to now and here I am actually doing the work I always wanted to do, I never believed it would happen but it is happening and is constantly evolving and growing. Would I have found this path without Mini? I don’t think so. Her love and encouragement and antics from the other side let me know without a doubt that I am exactly where I need to be, helping in whatever way I can to help create healing change in both people and animals for the absolute highest good of all.
Rising Energy Therapies has grown out of my shattered bits and pieces, dreams and passions that I thought would never in my wildest dreams happen but here it is hence the Phoenix Logo, rising from the ashes of what was, to now rebuilding into a new and better version of who I am meant to be. Life is for living, for growing and evolving and I would like to help you and your pets have a voice and journey that evolutionary path. I call this a journey because I will be constantly upgrading my knowledge and abilities to continue on this path.
I welcome you to come along for the ride.